Whitney’s Story

Whitney’s Story

October 26, 2022 4:32 minute watch

"Just saying it out loud, it makes it real and that it happened. And that it's okay."

Not too long ago, Whitney's life looked pretty dark and chaotic. Then she found out she was pregnant, and it turned upside down — or right side up?!

She knew she couldn't parent. She also knew she wanted her child to be in a safe home with two loving parents.

As she began the adoption process, her faith in God became her stronghold, and people in her life showed up to help out.  She chose the adoptive family for her son and immediately felt at home and comfortable with them.

Today, not only does Whitney get to be a part of her son's life, but she gets to encourage other birth moms.

Are you a birth mom looking for support and community?  Check this out.

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