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Theresa’s Story: A Timeline of Events

April 20, 2020 3 min read

My first contact with My Heather in Jan 2018:


My name is Theresa. In July of 1985, I placed a beautiful baby girl that was born in Indianapolis up for adoption. I have been looking for her for several years and praying that God would cross our paths. In October of this past year, I received a surprising message from her father, Tony S. We have been in contact with each other and in December he and his wife did a 23 & Me DNA test (as his wife is looking for her parents). He contacted me this evening saying that your name showed up on his list of relatives. As you can imagine, he and I are anxious/excited to reach out to you to see if maybe you are that baby girl. All we have known was her adoptive parents named her Heather Lynn, and we are not even sure that she knows that she was adopted. If you happen to be this Heather, please know we are in no way trying to disrupt your life. We are only looking to meet her someday. Please feel free to message me, text me or call me with any questions you may have. Thank you.

May 2018:

Tomorrow I will get to touch her for the first time. I have waited almost 33 years for this day… words can not explain the emotions I am feeling right now.


The next morning after picking her up at the airport:

The moment when she met her sister and they realized they were EXACTLY alike… same gestures, the same sense of humor, paused at the same time in their stories.

When we realized our lives had intertwined from the very beginning… her best friend was in her biological brother's elementary class. We were at the zoo on the same day in 2017. Her son and niece go to the same elementary school and in the same grade.

When we reconnected I went into it knowing I would never be her mom, she already had one of those. But I got a better name, she calls me her momma!

July 2018:

She tells me she loves me before we hang up the phone. She has said she now has a sister and best friend that she never knew she needed.



I know adoption was right for both of us. She had a wonderful childhood that I would not have been able to give her. Her adoptive parents got to experience the role of mom and dad.

Have you been impacted by adoption like Theresa or Heather?
If so, we want to hear from you.

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