A woman sitting on a hospital bed holds a newborn baby wrapped in a white blanket, with a teddy bear and various items in the background.

The Importance of a Support System – Jamie’s Story

April 01, 2022 2 min read

Adoption is a beautiful, complicated, and messy thing that comes with many emotions. Having the right support system in place is critical.I was 22 and already a single Mom. I wanted so badly to parent this baby girl growing inside me. I had so many wishes and wants and plans for her to have the best life, but the longer I carried her the more I realized no matter how much I loved her, my love alone couldn’t provide the best of what could be offered to her in this world. I knew of adoption, but I didn’t know much.

One night through my tears I began researching and found what seemed to offer me the best of both worlds, for her a life I dreamed of for her, and for me a chance to watch her dreams come true, through open adoption.

I found her family rather quickly, through profiles and met with them in a matter of weeks. My daughters adoptive mom was at her birth, joined with extended family and their friends, supporting me through my immense sadness trying to figure out how to grieve for a child that was still alive.

I managed to find hope and happiness for the life I chose for her while I watched their family gain a child they longed for. Adoption is a beautiful, complicated, and messy thing that comes with many emotions.

Having the right support system in place is critical. I wouldn’t change a thing, even 21 years later.

Have you been impacted by adoption like Jamie?
If so, we want to hear from you.

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