The Courage Behind Telling Your Story

The Courage Behind Telling Your Story

December 08, 2014 1:31 minute watch

“Courage (from Latin: coeur): to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.” Brene Brown is a professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work and does research on human connection. She shared that definition of courage during her TED talk "The Power of Vulnerability."

Story. It certainly takes an immense amount of courage for someone to share their personal story with the world. In honor of National Adoption Month, we honored to share three very courageous stories. Sarah, Adrianne and Hannah are three birth moms who have all taken a very brave step in sharing their powerful, honest story of their adoption experience.

When hearing another's perspective it is important to not pin your own experience on to someone else's. Each person's story is unique, different and ultimately an expression of vulnerability. After all, the mark of a beautiful story is not in its perfection but in its brokenness. It is in the author's ability to come out from under the umbrella of shame and share a very personal life experience, with the belief that their story might offer hope to another.

Brene Brown also says, "What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful."

The core of BraveLove's efforts revolve around the courage of birth parents, who not only chose adoption, but are sharing their story in some way, shape or form with their whole heart. Adoption is a brave choice because it's a hard choice. Someone you know might be facing that difficult choice right now and could really use some hope.

Will you participate in National Adoption Month this year by sharing one of these inspiring stories?

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