• The Creating Family Series – Part 2

    Taken from an article written by an adoptive mom, Helen Harris, these four heartfelt narratives will captivate and challenge your perspective as they clarify how individual experience and relationships change

  • The Creating Family Series – Part 3

    Taken from an article written by an adoptive mom, Helen Harris, these four heartfelt narratives will captivate and challenge your perspective as they clarify how individual experience and relationships change

  • The Drop Box: a documentary worth talking about

    “The Drop Box” - Documentary Trailer from Arbella Studios on Vimeo. On Wednesday, December 3, we had the privilege of welcoming The Drop Box Film to Texas for a private

  • The Adoption Triad

    In a recent conversation, an adoptive mother shared with us about her daughter’s reunion experience.  Her daughter and birth mother had been reunited after 18 years.  When asked the question

  • Terri’s Story

    I knew from the moment I made my decision to place my child for adoption that it would have to be an open arrangement because I would want to be

  • That’s My Girl

    I began to feel so afraid of how reckless my life had become, that I figured perhaps if I merely "ran away" from all the poison that had began to

  • Why It’s Important to Share Your Adoption Story — Stephanie’s Journey

    I was only 15 when I found out I was pregnant. My mom went to the doctor with me.  My mom & dad are both deceased now.  Unfortunately, I never

  • The Days and Weeks Leading up to Her Birth — Savannah’s Story

    College senior, Army contract, cheerleader, psychology major...all that stood between me and the “real world” was the rest of the basketball season, classes, commissioning, and graduation. Senior recognition night was

  • “I Was Not That Person That Had a Strong Desire For Children” — Rin’s Most Difficult Decision

    When I first realized I was pregnant, I didn’t want to believe it. ‘NO! This cannot be happening!’ ‘I can’t take care of me right now, let alone another person.’

  • Placed Together

    My pregnancy couldn’t have come at a darker and more chaotic time in my twenty-two year old life. My parents' thirty-one years together had come to an abrupt halt, and