• Adoption Points of View, Part 1

    BraveLove hosted an adoption panel that featured this dynamic group of women that represents an adoption triad.  It was too good not to share so... Meet Adrianne, a birth mom

  • Adoption Points of View, Part 2

    In case you missed Part 1, go back and watch it here. BraveLove hosted an adoption panel that featured this dynamic group of women that represents an adoption triad.  It

  • You are a mother

    Five months after Alison placed her daughter for adoption, her mom gave her a Mother's Day gift. She questioned her — "Why am I getting this?" Her mother reminded her — "Because

  • Webisode #11 – Where is Jennifer now?

    Remember this film called (un)Wanted? We're catching up with Jennifer who was involved. She is both a birth mom and adoptive mom who understands the complexities of adoption. She shares

  • Webisode #10 – Where is Carmen now?

    Remember this story called Overwhelming Love?  We're catching up with Carmen and her mom Paula so you can hear what's going on in their worlds. It's been over 18 years

  • Not Every Mother

    Not every mother can be a mom, and not every mom gets to be a mother. It doesn't seem fair, but life can be like that. And we all just

  • Webisode #9 – It’s been over six years, where is Sarah now?

    Adoption is a lifelong journey, to say the least. We try our best to stay in touch with those who have shared their story with us over the years. That's

  • Webisode #8 – Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sharing Your Story

    At BraveLove, storytelling is core to our work. We believe stories can inspire and educate. But if mishandled, they can harm and even exploit individuals. Within the context of adoption,

  • Webisode #7 – Post Adoption Support for Birth Moms

    We can talk about what post-adoption support is and why it's important.  But it's even more valuable to hear from someone who has been impacted by the available resources.  That's

  • From Love and Back Again — Clay’s Story

    Watch this short film to discover how Clay's adoption story changed not only the trajectory of his life but the way he views fatherhood and family. Clay spent years trying to