I'm writing this because writing a letter is what changed my life. 26 years ago, I came into the world, four months early, to a woman who was in no
It was all for you
For my birth son, A decision so selfless, a love so pure. You were a gift from the Lord and a blessing for her. As the days pass by quickly
To the sweetest, strongest woman I know,
It’s been almost over 18 years since our worlds collided. Pain, struggles and difficult decisions surrounded our new found relationship back then. You had been through so much but continued
My Dearest Joey,
I have written to you once before. It was the day your adoptive family came to take you home. I was 15 at the time, and lost in my feelings.
Dear BraveLove,
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to work with a birth-mom throughout her labor, subsequent C-section and the two days she spent in the hospital with her sweet
Dear Birth Mothers,
Today I’ve been swept away in my own reflections of the events from the last two years surrounding our daughter’s adoption story just as I have been in so many
To the Strongest Woman I Know,
I was yours for three days in the hospital and then my adoptive parents took me into their arms. You chose my parents to take me because you thought they
Dear J,
You didn’t give us much notice - just a few hours to get in the car, try not to break the speed limit, and drive to the hospital to meet
Dear (13 year old Seth,)
Today you are 13… a teenager! Wow… I imagine what you’re like… What kind of young man you are becoming… I remember being 13. I remember the highs and the
Dear Seth,
March 15, 1998 you became a part of your new family. This date holds so much more significance for me than your birthday, or mother’s day, or all the days