• Expectations in Adoption

    As humans we’re accustomed to having expectations. We expect drivers to stay in their lane. We expect stores to stay open until they say they are going to. We like to

  • A letter to birth moms

    Dear Birth Mothers, I want to take a few minutes and say hello. I warn you this might be a little sappy, so bear with me. This time last year

  • Relive BraveLove’s Dream A Little Dream Party

    This time last month, we hosted a fundraising party to shine a positive light on adoption in Dallas and beyond. Nearly 300 guests from across the metroplex joined us for

  • birth PARENTING

    The idea of birth parent seems so weird sometimes. It can make me feel like an alien species that none of the “normal” population can understand. I just have to

  • Downton Abbey and its adoption story

    (SPOILER ALERT) It's undeniable that adoption storylines are becoming more prevalent in television shows and movies. Some producers do it well, some poorly, and others are improving (progress)! We believe

  • A new year & 10 things every birth mother wants adoptive parents to know

    Time really does fly. We can hardly believe that 2013 has come and gone. As we enter 2014, here are some of our hopes and resolutions for the year ahead

  • The Importance of a Support System – Deb’s Story

    When I found at the age of 20 that I was facing an unplanned pregnancy, I thought the best thing to do in the situation was to marry the baby’s

  • The Adoption Journey is Never Over: Shelby’s Story

    I got pregnant almost halfway through my junior year of high school to a guy that I thought I had been dating for a few weeks; it turns out that

  • The Beauty and Pain of Adoption

    About a month after taking our daughter home from the hospital I was rocking her to sleep. I looked down and saw a message from her birth mother asking me

  • Courtney’s Rules: How one birth mom gets through Mother’s Day

    May has arrived and with it comes a slight feeling of discomfort.  A tiny rock has settled deep within my belly, and it will grow in size as the days