• Twice Blessed

    Proud to be adopted, and prouder still to be a Birth Mother. Another Mother’s day approaches. An overwhelming deep sadness rolls over and thru me. Sadness that has changed me

  • Amber Shares When She Experienced a Threshold Shift

    Enough time has passed I think, that I’m ready to share this. Yet the memories of the experience are as real today as they were when I had them. I’ve

  • This time last week: Southern Social

    Last Thursday, we had the joy of hanging out with about 400 of our closest friends at the Southern Social. The Southern Social is a series of free concerts meant to

  • The Launch Party was a success!

    What a night! (Don’t worry - better pics are on their way.) So we were expecting around 200 or so guests. Well, the people kept coming, the lines started to

  • The day Truman was born…

    She chose us to raise a piece of her. The day Truman entered this world truly started the day before! His birth mom Jamie had an appointment and she was

  • Book Review – You Carried Me

    Time for Book Club! This month our friend Rachel from Utah reviewed the book. Here's what she thought about the memoir... You Carried Me: A Daughter's Memoir by Melissa Ohden

  • Book Review – To Have and Not To Hold

    It's Book Club time! To Have and Not to Hold: The Bonding of Two Mothers through Adoption by Lorri Antosz Benson Reviewed by Laura from BraveLove The title caught my attention,

  • Book Review – Reunited

    We're kicking off our very own BraveLove Book Club this summer, reading through some classic and not-so classic books about adoption. We want you to know what adoption books are

  • Book Review – Daring Greatly

    It's Book Club time again! And this one was a great read to kick off the year. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love,

  • Book Review – The Waiting

    It's Book Club time! This month BraveLove's founder Ellen reviewed the book, and here's what she thought about it... The Waiting: The True Story of a Lost Child, a Lifetime of