My whole life I have been aware that I was adopted. Whether it was reading children's books about adoption or just openly discussing it with my parents, I always knew where I came from. As I grew, though, the more curiosity was sparked within me.
My name is Gracie and I was adopted at only a few weeks old. I grew up in a loving home with a wonderful family. I have an older brother who is not adopted and two loving parents. My whole life I have been aware that I was adopted. Whether it was reading children's books about adoption or just openly discussing it with my parents, I always knew where I came from. As I grew, though, the more curiosity was sparked within me. I had questions about myself and where I came from that my parents could not answer for me.
Finally, after eighteen years of a closed adoption, I decided to reach out to my birthmother, Angell. 
I did find herInstagram because I knew her name. So, on June 13th, the morning of my eighteenth birthday I direct messaged her on the app. My message read, "Hey! I know this is probably kind of crazy, and I am not sure if this is the best way to contact you, but it was the best I could come up with. I always said if by the time I turned eighteen if I wanted to get in contact with you I would. Well after a lot of prayer and curiosity, here I am. Eighteen years ago today was a big day for the both of us. I cannot ever thank you enough for the life you have given me. If you would like to get to know me, I would love to get to know you. Anyways, do not feel pressured to contact me back if you do not want to. I completely understand. Just know I do love you and am so so so grateful for you. Happy June 13th!"
Ever since that moment we have been in contact and gotten to know each other so well.
I even got to meet her with my mom in person at her beach house that is so close to mine. We have a lot in common. We love to go on walks while we talk on the phone, share many funny stories and laughs, and most of all we like to read the Bible together and to talk about Jesus. God has blessed me so much with this testimony and I am so grateful for the life that Angell gave me through listening to God. I am also so thankful for the support of found from my parents in building a relationship with Angell.