A woman with long wavy hair smiles brightly, wearing a houndstooth coat and blue sweater, surrounded by autumn foliage.

Meet the Team: Meredith Cowser

July 01, 2024 4 min read

Meet Meredith Cowser, BraveLove's Social Media Manager, who lives in Dallas, Texas.

Q:  How did you first hear about BraveLove?

A:  I heard about BraveLove through meeting Laura! We met years and years ago at a single women's Bible study that was hosted at her house.  A mutual friend of ours invited me to join and that's how the BraveLove journey began!  I distinctly remember she had a large BraveLove banner hanging in her dining room from a recent event.  I learned a little bit about her work through getting to know her at those meetings and was fascinated.  My dad was adopted and I had never heard of an organization championing birth mothers in such a beautiful way. It definitely encouraged some great conversations between my dad and I.

Q:  How long have you been working with BraveLove?

A:  I have been working with BraveLove for around six years! I began working with the team in 2018.

Q:  What’s your role with the organization?

A:  I am the Social Media Community Manager! I create and manage everything you see on the BraveLove social media channels, including graphics, captions, and editing videos. If you have ever reached out via Instagram or Facebook it is likely that you messaged with me! I also edit and publish all stories submitted to the BraveLove website.

Q:  What's one of your favorite parts of your job?

A:  I love getting to interact with birth mothers and hear their powerful stories on a daily basis. I've witnessed such strength and vulnerability that never ceases to amaze me.

Q:  Why do you care about this mission?

A:  I care about BraveLove's mission because I care about people! I believe every voice holds so much power and should never be silenced or disregarded due to stigmas in our society. The fact that my dad is adopted makes it even more personal to me. He m

et his own birth mother and father when I was in middle school. I remember how much it meant to my dad to meet his birth parents and the way his adopted family honored his decision to do so. Every situation is so delicate and specific. The more stories we get to share, hopefully more people will feel less of the unfair stigmas around their own experiences with adoption.

Q:  What do you do for fun?

A:  I love watercolor painting! It's been so relaxing and a great way to get my eyes away from constantly looking at screens.

Q:  What does life look like for you these days?

A:  Life is good! I'm doing my best to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and make the most of every single day. I am married to the most wonderful man and get to work with a variety of incredible clients, including BraveLove!

Q:  I know you can’t pick a favorite story or film, but which one really stands out to you?

A:  Oh, what an impossible choice! If I had to choose, I would have to pick the "Emmah" documentary BraveLove released in 2023. Her story and the perspective she was willing to share through the film is so incredibly powerful.

Q:  What's in your Amazon cart right now?

A:  Sunglasses for a beach trip we have coming up! I always lose mine so I am always better off buying cheaper pairs...lol.

Q:  What are you reading right now?

A:  I am reading How to Walk into a Room by Emily P. Freeman. I love all of her books and her podcast, The Next Right Thing.

Q:  Favorite TV show at the moment?

A:  Hmm I'm in a bit of a TV slump at the moment. My favorite recent TV show is The Bear. I'm all caught up on that so I've been rewatching one of my go-to "comfort" TV shows...Psych. It's perfect for a laugh and a brain break.

Q:  Go-to coffee or tea order?

A:  London Fog!

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