A woman with long brown hair and a bright smile, wearing a white top with colorful patterns, stands outdoors.

Meet Abby

June 19, 2024 3 min read

Meet Abby - our next contributor to Being a Birth Mom! We met Abby this summer at a conference in Dallas, TX.

After meeting Abby, there are two things we know for sure - she is a proud birth mom and loves her son with all of her heart! Abby's smile is contagious and she's got some invaluable insight to share. Without further ado, here’s Abby...

Hi, sweet readers! My name is Abby and I am currently a 21-year-old from the Dallas, Texas area. I’m so incredibly blessed to be studying Education at the University of North Texas, working, doing this crazy life with my amazing friends and family, and occasionally fitting some shopping into my schedule if I can! When I was 19 years old, I was given the honor to become a birth mom to the light of my life. In July of 2014, my son was born and ever since then I have been radically changed.

Before gifting my son, I believed that my life as a birth mom would be one full of shame, regret, unfamiliar hellos, and even harder goodbyes. But man am I happy that I could not have been more wrong!

Now, two years later I am in a thriving relationship with my son and his adoptive parents. I see them on a regular basis and they have become a part of my family. I have the privilege of loving on girls who are dealing with their own unplanned pregnancy through ministry. I also have the distinct honor to be a part of this movement to change the way people see adoption and all that comes with it. I get to live this life, one that is better than anything I could have ever planned for myself because I placed my son and I believe similar stories are possible if the world starts seeing adoption for the blessing it truly is.

I hope that as you read the things I write you'll see my heart for people, especially for all parties involved with the adoption process. I hope that whether you are a prospective or current birth mom, adoptive parent, adoptee, or someone who is just interested in learning more about what adoption looks like today, that I will be able to give you the insight you are looking for from the perspective of a proud birth mom. I hope to laugh with you, cry with you, and most of all I hope to be a joyful light surrounding a topic that once seemed very dark. With the work of all of us, my hope is that it won’t be dark anymore.

Stay tuned! You'll be hearing more from Abby soon! She'll be sharing more about various topics related to being a birth mom. If you are a birth mom, we want to hear from you

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