Maroon background with a large, stylized "B" and the text "BraveLove Stories of Bravery" in white at the center.


September 28, 2012 2 min read

I want to start off by saying that I can never thank you enough for the gift that you gave me. I have nothing but love and respect for you. It’s because of you that I have such an amazing life.

As a child, I always felt loved. My parents allowed me to choose any sport or hobby I found interesting while also pushing me academically. I enjoyed basketball, tennis, and above all, dancing. Every summer I looked forward to attending Camp Longhorn for three weeks of fun on the lake.

As I mentioned, my parents pushed me academically. By 7th grade I had already visited every college on the East Coast. (To be fair, we were actually looking for my brother but my parents made sure than I was paying attention too.) When time came for me to apply, I chose to stay close to home. I graduated from Texas A&M University and became an elementary school teacher. A few years later, I earned my Master Reading Teacher certificate from SMU.

I also want you to know that I think your brave choice allowed me to meet my husband, Evan. We met in college and have now been together for over 10 years. We have the cutest redheaded baby boy who means the world to us. Oh my gosh, what a true joy! Having our son makes me respect you even more.

As an adult, I actually think about you even more. I wonder if we look alike. I wonder if you too love dogs, kids, Michael Jackson songs, and sipping wine. I hope that you are in love. I hope you have kids. I hope you think of me. And most of all, I hope that one day you will read this so that you know that I am happy because of what you gave me - a beautiful life.

Sincerely, Sally

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