When You’re Already Parenting — Dominique’s Story

When You’re Already Parenting — Dominique’s Story

August 12, 2019 2:56 minute watch

When Dominique, a single mom, found out she was pregnant, she felt stuck. She was doing ok parenting one child, but what was it going to look like to now financially support two? Her first thought was to have an abortion or try to parent another child.

When she thought about adoption, she thought it meant signing her rights over and never seeing her second-born again. She was overcome by the fear that she'd be judged for being a bad mom or for 'giving up' her child.

After seeking to find the facts, Dominique learned that with adoption she could still see her son, she could still love him, she could still hold him, and she could still be present in his life.

Watch this short film to discover what it was like for Dominique to decide to place her second son for adoption and how this journey has been so different than she ever thought possible. Watch Dominique's Story today!

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