A long table filled with people enjoying a meal under string lights in an indoor venue with a warm, rustic atmosphere.

A letter to birth moms

June 19, 2024 3 min read

Dear Birth Mothers,

I want to take a few minutes and say hello. I warn you this might be a little sappy, so bear with me. This time last year some of us were gathered around this table celebrating birth moms and motherhood. Frankly, I'm a little sad we're not doing that right now - enjoying some wine, eating lasagna, and listening to what's going on in each other's worlds.


My hope for you this Mother's Day weekend is that you would be surrounded by those you know and love. I know you might be dreading this holiday because it hurts. I suspect there are other women out there who are feeling that for other reasons, too. But I'm here to tell you that all of us at BraveLove are with you and want to celebrate you - even past this weekend! Literally that's our job. BraveLove exists is to change the perception of adoption through honest, informative and hopeful communication that conveys the heroism and bravery a birth mother displays when she places her child with a loving family through adoption.

I know we can't take away the pain of placing your child, but we can encourage and celebrate that you're a mother and that you love your child(ren) so much. So as you head into this weekend, know that you've got us in your corner, and you are not alone. We think you're some of the coolest women that walk this earth. Unfortunately we're not hosting a big dinner this year, but instead we've had people from all across the country write some encouraging notes to you. Here's what people are saying... (and you can read more here.)

"There will never be a time where I’m not thinking about how amazing and strong of a woman she is… My daughter has so many more people to love her and pray for her and wish big dreams for her."

"God bless you for your selflessness. You are a true hero in our eyes."

"Our family is forever and ever grateful for our birth mother’s selfless love. Without her we would not be complete. We want her to know she is loved, respected, prayed for and lovingly talked about in our family. Our son knows she loves him and he understands her unconditional and brave love. Thank you."

"You are one of the most amazing women I have ever known! I am so grateful for our friendship! Love you!"

"You are brave. And you all deserve a happy mother’s day!"

"You are not alone."

"Your child will always love you, and thank you for being so brave."

In case you missed it, here's a sweet video from our dinner last year where we asked people to share their greatest wish for birth moms. Watch!

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your story. Have an awesome weekend.

Laura Bruder
Executive Director

P.S. If you know a birth mom, will you forward this to her?

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