Written Stories
We Want to Be Able To Answer the Inevitable Questions — Tiffany’s Story
One conversation sparked a connection that would last a lifetime. This month, BraveLove is honored to share the Extended Family...
Not a Day Goes By That I Don’t Think About Her — Hannah’s Story
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. Obviously if my situation had been better I would have kept her and...
Two of a Kind
In honor of Mother’s Day, here's a story told by one woman who has actually walked in the shoes of birth mothers and adoptive...
Twice Blessed
Proud to be adopted, and prouder still to be a Birth Mother. Another Mother’s day approaches. An overwhelming deep sadness rolls...
The day Truman was born…
She chose us to raise a piece of her. The day Truman entered this world truly started the day before! His birth mom Jamie had an...
Placing Truman
Most people generally know me as a hard-working, single mother with one son. Most people don't know I have two. I was being a...