Written Stories
“Let me Meet My Son Again One More Time” — Robyn’s Story
“I loved him enough to give him life. But I had to love him, even more, to give him a life.” That is the response I give when I...
What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then
You can't read an adoption story without a then and now. The world sees an event where the adoption community knows evolution....
Never Meant He Was Unloved or Unwanted — Allie’s Story
I know there have been stories like mine and women who have been where I’ve been. I haven't met many birth mothers...but we don't...
That’s My Girl
I began to feel so afraid of how reckless my life had become, that I figured perhaps if I merely "ran away" from all the poison...
Placed Together
My pregnancy couldn’t have come at a darker and more chaotic time in my twenty-two year old life. My parents' thirty-one years...
Single parenting for 7 weeks reinforced my adoption decision
I placed my daughter (Zoe) for adoption 11 years ago. I was 17 at the time and ready for my senior year in high school, and Zoe’s...