Written Stories
Kimberly’s Story
The story of adoption is born out of love. In honor of Valentine's Day, we're sharing an adoption love story shared from the...
Michael’s Story
I was adopted by two great parents who took me to southern New Jersey where I have lived a great life. The adoption agency was...
“She has two mothers who love her” — Lisa’s Story
Last month was National Adoption Month and I was finally given the courage to share my story. I will never forget the day when I...
“Let me Meet My Son Again One More Time” — Robyn’s Story
“I loved him enough to give him life. But I had to love him, even more, to give him a life.” That is the response I give when I...
What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then
You can't read an adoption story without a then and now. The world sees an event where the adoption community knows evolution....
Never Meant He Was Unloved or Unwanted — Allie’s Story
I know there have been stories like mine and women who have been where I’ve been. I haven't met many birth mothers...but we don't...