Written Stories
When Your Support People Fail You — Emma’s Testimonial
“I was a freshman in college who had just turned 19 when I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified. The father didn't want to...
I Thought I Was Above Getting Pregnant — My Biggest Untold Story
My story is not special, there are many others who have a similar story to mine but no two stories are the same and one person’s...
“I Was Not That Person That Had a Strong Desire For Children” — Rin’s Most Difficult Decision
When I first realized I was pregnant, I didn’t want to believe it. ‘NO! This cannot be happening!’ ‘I can’t take care of me...
The Days and Weeks Leading up to Her Birth — Savannah’s Story
College senior, Army contract, cheerleader, psychology major...all that stood between me and the “real world” was the rest of the...
What I Wish That I Knew Then That I Know Today
As I am writing this, it is exactly 3 days after from Mother’s Day and a day away from my daughter’s birthday. Talk about a birth...
Emilie: A Birth Mom’s Side of the Story
On October 24, 2015 my life changed forever. A night of partying with friends turned into a night I was taken advantage of....