Birth Parents
Jan’s Story
It was a winter afternoon during Christmas break that I discovered I was pregnant. Mom and I had been Christmas shopping together...
Understanding the heart of a birth mother
Last week, we received two open letters from one birth mother (we’ll refer to her as “Mummy”). Mummy relinquished her son Seth...
Dear (13 year old Seth,)
Today you are 13… a teenager! Wow… I imagine what you’re like… What kind of young man you are becoming… I remember being...
Dear Seth,
March 15, 1998 you became a part of your new family. This date holds so much more significance for me than your birthday, or...
Dear Miranda,
Your parents are amazing human beings. They have given you everything and more than I could have imagined. They have so much love...
“Always a Mother” – a poem written and inspired by a birth mother
Today, we want to share a poem that our friend Heather wrote for us as she was inspired by her own story as a birthmother. We’re...