Birth Parents
The Potter and Clay
When Clay was 29 years old, his parents received a letter from a woman claiming to be his biological mother. She said her name...
Sarah | A Birth Mom from Virginia
One word to describe how you felt the moment you discovered you were pregnant? Fearful Why did you choose adoption? I knew...
A letter to birth moms
Dear Birth Mothers, I want to take a few minutes and say hello. I warn you this might be a little sappy, so bear with me. This...
To the Strongest Woman I Know,
I was yours for three days in the hospital and then my adoptive parents took me into their arms. You chose my parents to take me...
Hannah | A Birth Mom & Adoptee from Texas
One word to describe how you felt the moment you discovered you were pregnant? Shock Why did you choose adoption? I chose...
Barbi | A Birth Mom Who Inspired a Novel
Twenty-two years ago, New York Times bestselling author, Patti Callahan Henry’s sister Barbi placed a baby girl for adoption....