Birth Parents
Terri’s Story
I knew from the moment I made my decision to place my child for adoption that it would have to be an open arrangement because I...
Amy | A Birth Mom from Jackson
One word to describe how you felt the moment you discovered you were pregnant? Devastated, absolutely lost, NO one understood...
To My Sweet Etta,
I’ll start off by saying I am proud to be your birth mom. I am proud that I trusted and believed in God’s word and that was...
Miranda | A Birth Mom from Texas
One word to describe how you felt the moment you discovered you were pregnant? Terrified Why did you choose adoption? I chose...
To The Moon
Of two things I am certain 1) that my daughter loves me and 2) that I made the right choice. I am a birthfather and 15 years ago...
Janelle asks “What’s his label?”
Meet Janelle. In 1993, she found herself facing the many burdens and decisions that accompany an unplanned pregnancy. Feeling as...