Birth Parents
To the girl who is in the shoes that I was once in,
I remember being where you're at. I remember the shock, guilt, confusion, anger and the surreal feeling of having no control....
To the birth moms who gave me siblings.
Dear Birth Moms, Just last month, we celebrated World Adoption Day. Maybe you knew that. Maybe you were totally unaware. I...
“She has two mothers who love her” — Lisa’s Story
Last month was National Adoption Month and I was finally given the courage to share my story. I will never forget the day when I...
Being a birth mom is part of my story – not my whole identity
If you ask me about myself; I will tell you I am a wife, and a mama to 4 kiddos, I will say that I love Jesus and journaling, and...
Meet Kaedra
Meet Kaedra! Our next Being A Birth Mom contributor... I placed my son for adoption 14 years ago, in 2002. I was 19, and I knew...
Rick’s Story
"There was no “light-bulb” moment, no aligning of the stars. It’s complicated and it was hard for us and our families, but it was...