Birth Parents
What She Reminds Herself on Hard Days — Muthoni’s Testimonial
I'm a Birth Mother, and I think that's incredible. When I found out I was pregnant I knew almost immediately that adoption was...
When Your Support People Fail You — Emma’s Testimonial
“I was a freshman in college who had just turned 19 when I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified. The father didn't want to...
I Thought I Was Above Getting Pregnant — My Biggest Untold Story
My story is not special, there are many others who have a similar story to mine but no two stories are the same and one person’s...
“I Was Not That Person That Had a Strong Desire For Children” — Rin’s Most Difficult Decision
When I first realized I was pregnant, I didn’t want to believe it. ‘NO! This cannot be happening!’ ‘I can’t take care of me...
The Days and Weeks Leading up to Her Birth — Savannah’s Story
College senior, Army contract, cheerleader, psychology major...all that stood between me and the “real world” was the rest of the...
To My Daughter’s Birth Mother
I've always wanted to give my daughters' birth mother a card for Mother's Day. Unfortunately, no such card exists. So I decided...