Birth Parents
Freshman in College, Scared, Nervous & Alone — Shelbi’s Story
I was pregnant at 19 years old, freshman in college, scared, nervous, and alone. I didn’t realize I was pregnant until 7 months...
The Bond Between Mothers — Charity’s Story
Warning: The content of this story contains very sensitive subjects and potentially distressing material about the effects of...
I Was Scared that if I Held Her I’d Never Let Her Go — Laurisa’s Story
I was completely heartbroken to find out that I was expecting again. At the time my then husband and I were renting one bedroom...
Birth Mom Connections
I talk about being a birth mom a lot. It’s something I am passionate about because I long to see human dignity stretch into...
A Letter to a Younger Me
This letter is intended to reach birth mothers who don’t quite understand their emotions yet of a new placement or even an old...
“You name it and I’ve felt it” — a birth mother’s story
At 15, I found myself 4 months pregnant. I was lost, ashamed, terrified and absolutely in love with the life growing inside me....