Birth Parents
The Hardest Decision – Jennifer’s Story
I was 18 when I got pregnant. I remember multiple people telling me what I “needed” to do. I needed to keep her, I needed an...
You are a mother
Five months after Alison placed her daughter for adoption, her mom gave her a Mother's Day gift. She questioned her — "Why am I...
Ways to Honor Birth Moms
Watch and Share this clip on Facebook and/or Instagram. "I made the best decision for my child that I could make at the time....
“Adoption is love and I wouldn’t change a thing.” – Leslie’s Story
I am so thankful for adoption and the healing it's brought. I'm a proud birth mom. My birth mom story began when I was in high...
Birth Mom Q&A with Angell
One word to describe how you felt the moment you discovered you (or your partner) were pregnant? Scared Why did you choose...
Webisode #11 – Where is Jennifer now?
Remember this film called (un)Wanted? We're catching up with Jennifer who was involved. She is both a birth mom and adoptive mom...