Birth Mom - Videos
Conversations on Open Adoption – Brindan and Jen, Part I
“How does that work?” “Won’t that be hard when they get older?” “Aren’t you afraid the birth mom will want her child back?”...
Conversations on Open Adoption – Kandice and Alex, Part I
Adoption can be complicated, confusing, and even a little messy. It can also be joy-filled and beautiful too. That's what makes...
When You’re Already Parenting — Dominique’s Story
When Dominique, a single mom, found out she was pregnant, she felt stuck. She was doing ok parenting one child, but what was it...
No Shame Trailer
Very few women choose adoption because of the shame and stigmas surrounding adoption and even birth mothers. That's why we do...
What’s Your Part? Respond
Respond (verb): to say something in reply; to acknowledge When Dominique found out she was pregnant with another child, she...
What’s Your Part? Availability
Available (adjective): qualified or willing to do something, present or ready Little did Laura know that when she attended a...