“Your story helped me in my decision”

December 20, 2021 5:07 minute watch

"Reading the stories of other birth mothers — it was empowering."

Ali placed her daughter for adoption over eight years ago during a dark time in her life.  A few years later, she found BraveLove and got involved by attending a birth mom dinner, speaking on an adoption panel, and eventually writing out her story.  It was later published here on BraveLove's website.

Ali said, "I was initially hesitant about sharing my story because it was such an exciting and beautiful thing in my life.  I didn't want to deal with any negative comments, or questions, or feedback."

But little did she know that another woman would find it at just the right time.  Ali's transparency and vulnerability affected another woman's life who lived across the world.  The young woman found BraveLove online and specifically Ali's story, which resonated with her current circumstances - the shock, denial, mental struggles, but the complete love in the end.

You never know who your story could impact and how far it can reach.

If you're interested in sharing your adoption story, check out ways to do that here.

Watch and read more birth mother stories.

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