A young woman in a black sequin dress holds a rose and smiles at an outdoor night event, with people and lights blurred in the background.

Emmah's Story

November 10, 2023 18:38 minute watch

Too often these days, adoption is the choice left unsaid and forgotten.

But not for Emmah.

Here's the true story of a 17-year-old, high school student from a small town.  Outgoing and fun, she plays volleyball and loves hanging out with her friends.  As she says, “Perfect in my eyes is having that normal high school experience, being a part of everything.  After I found out I was pregnant, that’s not it anymore — I have a different priority now.”

When she first learned she was pregnant, Emmah didn't want to have a baby.  But then she realized, “I don’t want to take a child’s life away whenever they can be an amazing person – a person I get to know.”

Emmah didn’t know how everything worked with adoption.  But then she went online and found BraveLove where she watched real stories of birth mothers.  From there, she connected with an adoption agency that helped her find a family.

Our team first met Emmah at a retreat for birth moms.  Emmah stepped forward, eager to share her story. Now here it is.

Special thanks to Emmah for so bravely sharing her story. And to her family and friends that opened their lives to this story and how it continues to unfold.

At BraveLove, we believe stories erase stigmas.  That's why we keep sharing them. 

Will you share this story with someone you know?

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